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"Do You Know ? What is Static Website?"

A static website is a website that displays content that is pre-built and fixed, and is displayed in a web browser exactly as it is stored on a web server. Static websites are sometimes called flat or stationary pages, or brochure sites because they provide similar information to a brochure.

Some characteristics of static websites include:

  • No server-side processingStatic websites don't require server-side processing to generate content, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the user, resulting in faster loading times
  • Fixed content The content on a static website is fixed and doesn't change for any viewer of the site.
  • Limited interactivity Static websites don't have users, comments, blog posts, or much interactivity.
  • Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Static websites are built with pages of static content or plain HTML, JavaScript, or CSS code.

Single page static website

A single-page application (SPA) is a type of website that can be hosted as a static site. A static website is made up of fixed code that's stored on a server, and each page is a separate HTML file. When a user requests a page, the server sends the code back without making any changes. This means that the appearance of a static website is the same for every user, regardless of their settings, preferences, location, or time.

Here are some things to know about static websites:

  • SimplicityStatic websites are straightforward and were the most common type of website when the web first started.
  • Cost-efficiency Static sites are often cheaper to serve because they're lightweight and faster.
  • Limited interactivity Static websites don't have users, comments, blog posts, or much interactivity.
  • Best for basic websites Static websites are a good option if you need a basic website with content that doesn't change often

Multiple page static website

A multi-page static website is a website that has multiple pages, each represented by a separate HTML file. Some examples of multi-page websites include Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.

Here are some things to know about static websites:

  • How they workStatic websites are made up of a series of HTML files, with each page being a separate file. For example, if two pages have a footer in common, each footer is a separate version.
  • How they were originally built Static websites were the original way to build websites, and were coded separately
  • How they're different from dynamic websites Dynamic websites allow developers to share code across pages, which saves time and energy. However, dynamic sites can add overhead to the server side and lead to longer load times.
  • How they're used today Static sites are still popular today, especially for simple sites, because they're performant.
"Do You Know ? What is Dynamic Website?"

A dynamic website is a website that can change its content and interact with users based on a number of factors, like the user's actions, preferences, or the time of day. Dynamic websites are also known as database-driven sites.

Here are some features of dynamic websites:

  • Dynamic content: Dynamic websites can generate pages in real time and change their content based on factors like the user's device type, screen size, or location
  • User interaction: Dynamic websites allow users to interact with the content on the page.
  • Database design: Dynamic websites require database design and web programming
  • Scripting: Dynamic websites use a combination of client-side and server-side scripting languages to generate content. Client-side scripting is executed by the browser, while server-side scripting is executed by both the browser and the server.
  • Content management system: Dynamic websites store text and images in a content management system or database. When the content in the database is updated, it is reflected on the website.

Dynamic websites are more functional than static websites, which are made of fixed code and don't change unless the developer makes changes.